Here’s What Rush Workshop is Actually Like


Rush workshop is a week for sororities to prepare for recruitment week. Every sorority has three types of girls: the ones who looooove recruitment, the ones who despise recruitment, and the ones who only show up so they don’t get fined. Even though sororities might look perfect when recruitment week begins, the seven days prior were so far from perfection it isn’t even funny. There is drama, tears, yelling, and a whole lot of bouncing and clapping. Even though rush workshop has its ups and downs, by the end of the week you will have made new friends and a lot of memories but here is what rush workshop is actually like:

  1. On the very first day of rush workshop, the president and rush chair try to pump everyone up for a week filled with icebreakers, bouncing and clapping, and sisterhood. They’re not fooling anyone. Well, except the first-timers because they have no idea what is about to go down.


2. The first-timers are always super excited for workshop because they think it is all fun and games. IT IS NOT.


3. As strange as it sounds, the rush chair will spend a few hours explaining how to properly interact with the potential new members because every chapter has a few girls who think they are great recruiters. In reality, they have terrible social skills and no filter when they speak.

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4. Girls are catty. And being in a house with 150 girls for 12 hours, every day, for a week straight, is a nightmare waiting to happen. Usually two girls go at it and the president tries to resolve the issue but that never works so she ends up crying because workshop makes us all emotionally unstable.


5. The rush chair will say “Please stop talking” every five minutes because chatty Cathy in the back corner doesn’t know how to be quiet.


6. Bouncing and clapping may sound like a simple task but when you add in the singing and trying to “shuffle” through the house in high heels, it’s a real work out. We all hate doing it but there is a select few who let their hatred for bouncing and clapping show through their non-existent smile.

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7. You spend hours and hours going over the potential new members- their likes, dislikes, Greek affiliations, etc.- and after sitting through all of the slideshows, you finally find your “rush crush” and hopefully, future little.


8. During one of those cheesy sisterhood activities, you discover that one of your sisters is also a One Tree Hill fan and she has a Nathan Scott poster hanging in her room too.


9. The day before dress checks, you pray and eat as little as possible to make sure your dresses will zip because you refuse to buy another one.


10. By the end of the week, the whole chapter is exhausted, cranky, and “can’t even”.


11. Despite the yelling, crying, and drama that is rush workshop, when recruitment begins, it is go-time. As the door opens for the first party, you will bounce, clap, smile and remember why you love your chapter and the girls you call sisters.


Disclaimer: These pictures are not my own.

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